Saturday, December 4, 2010


I might've had a little accident at my friend's house two Fridays ago.  At least I went out with style... I was jumping on a trampoline :P

Gross ankle!  Heeeeey.

(I don't know if you can see it, but there is bruising almost up to my knee.)

And my ankle = really fat.

I went to the doctor, who initially thought it was broken, but after x-rays, it turns out I gave myself a Type II-III (severe) sprain.  Awesome.  It is sprained on both sides and halfway up my leg.  I'm not allowed to exercise on it for another two and a half weeks, which is good, since I still need a brace to walk around.  For all of you shuddering, it's not that big or bruised anymore, although it still is kind of unpleasant to look at :P

I accept flowers, letters, and hugs as ways to express your sympathy :D

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