Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I've Got Mad Skillz... Yo

This past Sunday, I walked into work and was informed that my coworker Matt was looking for me; I found him grinning ear to ear in the hallway holding a pile of baggy clothing. To explain: Matt is from Michigan, and I am from Connecticut. Michigan State and UCONN just played in the college basketball tournament, and we had made a little wager on the outcome-- loser had to wear whatever the winner brought in for the entire day of work. UCONN lost :( Matt decided to dress me in (his phrase) "Michigan Gangsta." It was an interesting work day, to say the least :P (Especially trying to mop in the men's size TWELVE shoes!! (To put it in perspective, I'm a mere size 5 in men's!)) Enjoy my transformation!

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