Friday, September 10, 2010

'Cuz I Know You're Interested

Here is the mock-up I did of my print idea for super glue:

Version 1
Alternative tag line ideas:
-Why do you think we named it SUPER glue?
-Super glue can't fly or shoot laser beams but, man, is it strong!
-Ka-pow! Super glue attack.

Okay, I totally know those are super (no pun intended) rough.  I wrote them all in about 5 minutes this morning.  And haven't really put more thought into them since.  They're really just there to give you a glimpse of my ideas and to help me brainstorm :)

Version 2
This was my professor's favorite tag line ("Superglue: Saving lives since the 70s.").  He also suggested moving the superglue to the far right.

What are your thoughts?


  1. I really am, actually (interested, that is). I gotta say, I don't love the logo in the bottom left...It's like it's ruining punchline that it supposed to happen on the far right.

  2. Thanks for the suggestions Laurie! I totally appreciate it :) (I don't think my mother is bias-free haha)
